About Paul & Tina
about Paul & Tina
Paul and Tina have had an amazing journey through multiple industries, meeting many great people along the way.
Customer service, physical labour, sales, administration, management, and digital marketing, this couple have a vast array of experience.

Over the years they have owned several businesses, that fed their entrepreneurial spirit, but the one thing they always wanted to be a part of is the real estate industry.

Homes designs, and their finishes have always been a love of theirs and they recently decided to take the plunge and entered the world the have always admired from afar.

Bringing their professionalism, vast amounts of experience, fun nature, and love of life, they are sharing their love of real estate investing with their fellow Canadians. 

What makes Paul and Tina so unique is their passion to combine real estate with their passion of digital marketing. 

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